*Eating (Bananas, Yogurt, Fruit, Icecream, Most anything you will give him)
*Rolling around on the floor, getting everywhere
*Getting into what he shouldn't
*Shaking his head NO
*Making the kissing sound
*Smiling and laughing
*Moving arms up and down
*Putting his arms in the position to show muscles, making a fist, making a tight face and shaking when he either gets mad or excited about something!!(I really need to get it recorded.)
*Playing with empty easter eggs
*Still loves his blankie and binkie
*He laughs whenever you change his diaper and say 'Pew'
*Taking a bath and splashing Mommy and Daddy
*Going outside
*Going on walks
*Blowing raspberries on anything and everything (toys, arms, legs, cheeks, when he has a mouth full of food)
*Sitting up on his own!!!
*Being ignored
*Others eating in front of him and not sharing
*Getting lotioned up after a bath
*Getting dressed
*Cleaning his face
*Sitting still to get his diaper changed
*His car seat