HATE/FEARCrystal absolutely HATES snakes. In fact, she doesn't just hate them...she is terrified of them...real or fake! KarliethoroughlyLOVES to chase her around with the fake snake at the Keesler's. Crystal will stop whatever she is doing (except the mic...her love) and RUN for her life while SCREAMING bloody murder. It is the funniest, most entertaining sight ever. Rachelle swears we are going to give a 3 year old a massive heart attack. You might ask why we don't make Karlie stop...well...quite frankly...Crystal probably deserves the torture after how mean she can be to Karlie.
On the opposite hand, Crystal absolutely LOVES to sing and play the drums for Wesley's Guitar Hero for the XBox 360. We might even have ourselves a star one day at the rate she is going. She can sing and memorize EVERY song she hears...appropriate for a 3 year old or not!
Christmas Eve For Christmas Eve we went to see the Hickman's (Laura's sisters family). Crystal and Karlie love spending time with Hillary, Kaitlin, and Stephanie. Crystal decorated cookies for Santa. We played a lot of games and just had fun.
Crystal's top present she has been asking for is a "Butterscotch Pony". She got it Christmas eve from "Santa Dave". She was so excited to see it. It acts so life like.
Then they opened up their presents that consisted of Pajamas and Christmas books. Their cousins got pajamas too.
Christmas Day On Christmas Day the girls woke up at 815. They were so excited to see everything, especially Crystal. Crystal got a new car seat, an ipod, a Sleeping Beauty, and a whole bunch of random toys and books. Karlie got a Tricycle, Doll, a boat, and some other small things. Charlies family came over and we had a lot of fun.
Body Worlds 3 For our 5th anniversary we dropped our kids off at Shannon's (Laura's sister) and then on Saturday we went up to Salt Lake City with Tiffany, Kevin, and Tim. First we went to Body Worlds 3 at The Leonardo. I have been begging Charles forever to go. It was really cool to learn some of the different facts about the body and to see different cross-sections of the bodies. It was very fascinating to see how quickly a fetus develops. By the 8th week you could see all of the limbs and each individual finger/toe.
Lights at Temple Square After Body Worlds we went to Texas Roadhouse to eat. Charlie and I had never been there. The food was so good and we had a lot of fun. Then we went to Temple Square to see the lights. It was so beautiful and very cold.
Charles and Laura
Tiffany and Laura
Kevin and Tiffany, Laura and Charles
Hanging out at our House
Tiffany and I wrapped all of the girls' Christmas presents while they were still gone. The guys watched the BYU Vs. Arizona football game. BYU just couldn't pull it together and lost 24-34.
Thursday Karlie was walking next to our bed. I was washing my hands in the bathroom. All of a sudden Karlie fell and hit the bridge of her nose on the frame of our bed. It immediately swelled up and bruised. I was so nervous that it was broken, but it wasn't. The cartilage was just swollen and bruised. It sure looks a lot worse than it is.
I am a mother of 3 and wife of one. I continue to work at UVRMC in their Labor and Delivery Department. Charlie is now working for the State of Utah with the Drivers License Division. He loves it there. Crystal loves to sing, dance, and read. Karlie loves to dance, laugh, and being sly. Bryson loves to eat, keep us busy, and make us smile.